IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
IVF with Egg donation Egg donation in Czech Republic hero-image Egg donation in Czech Republic hero-image
IVF with Egg donation

Egg donation in Czech Republic

Donated eggs from a suitable anonymous donor are fertilised with sperm provided by the patient’s partner. IVF using donated eggs gives women who can’t conceive using their own eggs a chance to have their own baby.

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When is this method indicated? section image

When is this method indicated?

More about determining the causes of infertility
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    For women over the age of 40

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    If a woman suffers from primary ovarian insufficiency or has no ovaries at all

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    If a woman has a small number of eggs or poor-quality eggs

More about determining the causes of infertility

Why Europe IVF?

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Our pregnancy success rate is as high as 68%

The chances of pregnancy with IVF using donated eggs depend on a number of factors. These are the woman's age, physical and mental health, whether she is overweight or not and the quality of her partner’s sperm.

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We won't keep you waiting

We completely understand your situation and we want to help you solve things right away. The whole process takes place within 1 -2 months.  Everything is planned so that you have the exact dates of treatment in advance, including the exact day of egg retrieval from your donor.

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We have a top-rate donation programme

All our donors are young and healthy women. The donation programme is voluntary and anonymous, and, by law, a child born this way has no right to learn the identity of the egg donor even after reaching the age of 18.

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Professional care and a human approach

The size of the clinic allows our medical specialists to approach each patient individually and guide couples through the treatment process or IVF, right through to pregnancy.

Egg donation from € 4 890 # ICON

Egg donation from € 4 890

The cost of IVF in the Czech Republic is less compared to the UK or USA due to lower medical staff costs. Take a look at our price list.

Course of treatment - Treatment block icon

Course of treatment

Egg donation is legal in the Czech Republic and subject to strict control. Our donors are young women aged from 18-32. All donors undergo thorough medical examinations to assess their physical and mental health.

A suitable donor will be selected by our doctors on the basis of the questionnaire you completed. You will receive non-identifying information about the donor while preserving her anonymity (age, appearance, interests, blood type)

Egg donors are compensated for accrued expenses associated with egg donation.

Optimally, the whole process from the initial consultation to a positive test takes about 2 months.


Preparatory phase

Number 1
Selecting a suitable egg donor
  • First you will be asked to fill out a form (donor typing), where you will specify your requirements regarding the donor’s appearance.
  • We will ask you to provide us with your photo or, with your permission, we will take a photo of you at the clinic.
  • We will look for a suitable egg donor based on your requirements.
  • You will be informed as soon as a suitable egg donor has been found.
Synchronisation of the donor’s and recipient’s cycles
  • Your menstrual cycle will be synchronised with the donor’s cycle (usually using contraceptives), so that the endometrium is ready to receive the embryos in the optimally timed period.
Preparing the uterine lining (endometrium)
  • The uterine lining (endometrium) needs to be thick enough for an embryo to implant successfully.
  • As a rule, you will start taking pills containing female hormones (oestrogens) on the 1st day of your menstrual cycle.
  • The doctor will recommend an ultrasound to assess the thickness of the endometrium on the 10-12th day of your menstrual cycle (at the clinic or by your gynaecologist).
  • We will discuss the results of the scan (by phone or e-mail).
  • We will confirm the planned day of egg retrieval from the donor.
DAY 1 - 5

Embryo transfer

Number 2
Day of egg retrieval from the donor
  • Your partner will come to the clinic on the day of egg retrieval to provide a sperm sample. Or, as agreed, we will use your partner‘s previously frozen sperm sample.
  • We use the ICSI method of directly injecting sperm into the egg for fertilisation.
  • On the day of egg retrieval from the donor, you will start taking another female hormone (progestogen).
Embryo culture
  • Following fertilisation, the embryos will begin to divide and grow.
  • Embryos can be cultured in the laboratory for up to 120 hours (5 days), after which they must be transferred into the uterus or frozen.
  • The embryologist will determine the best time for embryo transfer based on the number, development and quality of the embryos.
  • Surplus good quality embryos will be frozen for possible further use.
Embryo transfer
  • The transfer of the embryo or embryos into the uterus is performed without anaesthesia using a thin flexible catheter (tube), the end of which is guided by ultrasound for precise placement.
  • The transfer is completely painless.
  • The embryos are injected into the uterine cavity with a small amount of liquid (culture medium).
  • You will then rest in bed for about 10-15 minutes and will then be discharged from the clinic.
DAY 6 - 19

After transfer

Number 3
Regimen after transfer
  • Rest is recommended for 1-2 weeks after embryo transfer (no strenuous physical activity, sexual intercourse, or hot baths).
  • You can go back to your normal routine after 1-2 weeks, but we still recommend avoiding strenuous physical activity.
  • Take your medication regularly as indicated in the discharge report.
Pregnancy test, medication and monitoring pregnancy
  • Have a pregnancy blood test 14 days after embryo transfer and let us know the result.
  • If the pregnancy test is positive, continue to take the prescribed medication until the 12th week of pregnancy and make an appointment for an ultrasound (in approximately 10-14 days) with your doctor.
  • After the 12th week of pregnancy, gradually taper and discontinue the medication as recommended by your doctor.
  • Standard prenatal screening also takes place, together with a check-up at your gynaecologist´s.
  • If the pregnancy test is negative, stop all medication and contact us. We will discuss the next steps with you and plan for the transfer of your frozen embryos.
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Experienced doctors

Each member of our team has many years of experience in the treatment of infertility at major centres of assisted reproduction in the Czech Republic and abroad. Experienced professionals increase our clients' chances of a successful pregnancy.

Vile Mladenova # Profile Image

Vile Mladenova

Coordinator for Italian speaking clients
MUDr. Milada Brandejská # Profile Image

MUDr. Milada Brandejská

Medical Director
Ivana Kavková MBA # Profile Image

Ivana Kavková MBA

Executive Director
MUDr. Jana Voborská Neudeckerová # Profile Image

MUDr. Jana Voborská Neudeckerová

Reproductive medicine physician
MUDr. Milada Brandejská # Profile Image

MUDr. Milada Brandejská

Medical director
Dr. Natalia Saveleva # Profile Image

Dr. Natalia Saveleva

Doctor of Reproductive Medicine
MUDr. Štěpán Budka # Profile Image

MUDr. Štěpán Budka

Reproductive medicine physician
MUDr. Irena Folauf # Profile Image

MUDr. Irena Folauf

Reproductive medicine physician
Ing. Vlastimil Weber # Profile Image

Ing. Vlastimil Weber

Chief Embryologist
Monika Žilková # Profile Image

Monika Žilková

Coordinator for German speaking clients
Mgr. Gita Zenknerová # Profile Image

Mgr. Gita Zenknerová

Coordinator for German speaking clients
Sladana Vojinović # Profile Image

Sladana Vojinović

Coordinator for Serbian speaking clients
Mgr. Dina Jenčíková # Profile Image

Mgr. Dina Jenčíková

Coordinator for Serbian speaking clients
Ing. Lucie Krobová # Profile Image

Ing. Lucie Krobová

Team leader, Coordinator for German speaking clients
Mgr. Marija Mitrović # Profile Image

Mgr. Marija Mitrović

Coordinator for English speaking clients
Alexandra Read # Profile Image

Alexandra Read

Coordinator for Romanian speaking clients
Denisa Blažková # Profile Image

Denisa Blažková

Coordinator for Czech speaking clients
Natalie Surovska # Profile Image

Natalie Surovska

Coordinator for Russian and Ukrainian speaking customers
MUDr. Jan Smrčina # Profile Image

MUDr. Jan Smrčina

Reproductive medicine physician
MUDr. Jana Voborská Neudeckerová # Profile Image

MUDr. Jana Voborská Neudeckerová

Reproductive medicine physician
MUDr. Marina Tomilova # Profile Image

MUDr. Marina Tomilova

Reproductive medicine physician
MUDr. Monika Poláková # Profile Image

MUDr. Monika Poláková

Reproductive medicine physician

True stories

Katerina – Kiril

22. 5. 2023 - Europe Ivf team THE BEST OF THE BEST!! ...

A. B.

28. 3. 2023 - We had a great experience with Europe IVF. The team is very professional, Marija was amazing to keep in touch with us and always happy to help / advice. Doctors were very friendly and knowledgeable, The biologyst was on point advising us an...

S. P.

21. 2. 2023 - We highly recommend the clinic! Beautiful, kind, professional people who told us step by step everything we were going to do, from treatments to risks. I did an embryo transfer on February 6th, and on the 15th I ran out of patience and took...

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Frequently asked questions

  • What is the age limit for IVF?

  • Do I have to be married to my partner if we want to undergo IVF?

  • What is the success rate of infertility treatment at the Europe IVF clinic?

  • What criteria are used to select egg donors and what information can I find out about them?


Take the first step towards treating infertility

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IVF in Prague, Czechia +420 725 424 023 We’re online Po-Pá 8 - 16:30 hodin