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PESA/MESA/TESE: Surgical sperm retrieval
In the absence of live sperm in the ejaculate, there is the possibility of obtaining sperm surgically from the epididymis (PESA or MESA) or testis (TESE).
Book a consultationMESA (Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) a PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration)
In both methods, sperm are retrieved from the epididymis when transport of sperm between the epididymis and urethra is impaired. In PESA, sperm are aspirated together with the fluid from the epididymal ducts with a fine needle directly through the skin of the scrotum. In MESA, a small microsurgical skin incision is made, through which a needle is inserted and the fluid aspirated. The fluid is immediately analysed in the embryology laboratory.
TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction)
If no sperm are retrieved using MESA, we proceed to the TESE procedure, which attempts to obtain sperm directly from the testicular germinal epithelium. Tissue samples are taken from small incisions in the outer testicular layer and referred to the embryology laboratory.
The procedures are performed on an outpatient basis under short general anaesthesia. The advantage of our clinic is that the procedure can be scheduled for the same day as egg retrieval from the female partner. The fresh sperm retrieved are immediately used for egg fertilisation using the ICSI method. Unused tissue is cryopreserved to avoid the need to repeat the procedure.
The joint team of a gynaecologist and urologist at the clinic is a prerequisite for both excellent cooperation and a high success rate of treatment.
Book a consultation and we’ll see how we can help

Other laboratory methods
ICSI is the injection of sperm directly into an egg. This significantly increases the chance of fertilisation.
More informationEmbryoScope
We can increase the chances of pregnancy by selecting only the best quality embryos for transfer. We can identify these through continuous monitoring in EmbryoScope.
More informationEmbryoGen / BlastGen
EmbryoGen and BlastGen are sequential culture media meticulously engineered to closely emulate the natural developmental progression of embryos.
More informationAssisted hatching
This method is used to disrupt the protective envelope (outer shell) of the embryo in order to make it easier to implant (nest) in the uterus.
More informationPGT
Testing the genetic makeup of embryos before transfer to the uterus reduces the risk of birth defects.
More information Všechny podpůrné laboratorní metodyMethods of infertility treatment
IVF with egg donation
If a woman cannot conceive and her partner's sperm are healthy, we use donor eggs fertilised with the partner's sperm.
More informationIVF using donor embryos
Donated eggs and donated sperm are used for in vitro fertilisation.
More informationIVF using donor sperm
For couples who cannot conceive naturally and the woman's eggs are healthy, we can use donor sperm from a suitable anonymous donor to fertilise the eggs.
More informationIVF using own eggs
We recommend IVF if the couple cannot conceive naturally.
More information