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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic

5 New Year’s resolutions for those who did not welcome a baby this year

22.12.2022 · 2 min reading
5 New Year’s resolutions for those who did not welcome a baby this year thumbnail

A new year, new hope. Who needs hope more than couples who have been trying for a baby unsuccessfully? As all IVF fighters know, miracles rarely happer 'overnight' in this world. So let's take a look at what steps you can take to help these little miracles happen.

Take care of yourself more than usual

Enter 2023 with the intention of taking good care of yourself. This doesn’t mean you should forget about everything unpleasant, but balance it out with lots of self-care. Do things you love. Try new activities such as yoga or mindfulness to improve your mental wellbeing. Read, meditate, have regular massages and surround yourself with people who can make you feel better.

Spend time offline

Burying yourself in social networks can provide relief, especially from intrusive thoughts, anxiety and worry, but the long-term effect is the exact opposite. If you spend too much time in front of a screen, your mental wellbeing begins to decline, especially when you keep looking at all those growing bellies and newborn babies. Make a resolution to only spend a limited amount of time on social networks and use the saved time more creatively: journal your thoughts regularly, visit a sauna or take a brisk walk or run in a local park.

Talk about your feelings

The biggest problem of infertility is the inability to speak about it. Open communication, especially between partners, should be prescribed as the number one relationship medicine. Take the time to talk honestly about how you feel, what your concerns are, and how you can be of support to each other. If you feel you need help from the outside, don’t be afraid to ask for the help of a professional who will tell you what your options are.

Don’t blame yourself

When you’re going through something like infertility, it is very easy to blame yourself, but you shouldn’t. Phrases like ‘maybe I didn’t eat right’ or ‘I probably should have managed stress better’ will never do you any good, so put a stop to this way of thinking. This struggle is not your fault. This is a period in your life in which there is only one important thing: love each other and be kind to each other.

Say goodbye to Uncle Google

‘It might’ve been better if I didn’t know all this’ is something we’ve heard from many patients at our IVF clinic, and we agree. Google is a good servant but a bad master. There are several reasons why you should say goodbye to it: First of all, Google consumes your time. Secondly, the information you find is sure to scare and unsettle you. Finally, the questions you need to know the answer to will be answered by your doctor, who knows you best.

You’re not alone.

In conclusion: Don’t forget that you’re not alone. While you may be the type of person who would prefer to go through it all alone, sharing your story is an effective way to make things easier for yourself in this difficult life situation. Do not isolate yourself in your worries, confide in people you trust and, if necessary, seek the help of a doctor who will make you feel ‘at home’.

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