IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
Laboratory Methods ICSI: injection of sperm directly into the egg hero-image ICSI: injection of sperm directly into the egg hero-image
Laboratory Methods

ICSI: injection of sperm directly into the egg

ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is a method that significantly increases the chance of fertilisation. This involves the injection of sperm directly into the egg.

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When is this method indicated?

For infertile couples icon

For infertile couples

  • When previous in vitro fertilisation has failed
  • For couples with an unclear cause of infertility
  • When using frozen sperm
  • When using sperm obtained surgically (MESA/TESE)
In case of female infertility icon

In case of female infertility

  • When infertility is due to an immunological factor
  • On retrieval of a small number of eggs
  • When using donated eggs
In case of male infertility icon

In case of male infertility

  • In case of testicular disease or cancer
  • In case of a low sperm count
  • In case of low sperm motility
  • In case of abnormal sperm shape
  • If an obstacle prevents sperm from entering the ejaculate (e.g. vasectomy)
  • In case of azoospermia
OUR TECHNOLOGIESState-of-the-art technology

State-of-the-art technology

We use the latest, ultrafine needle to puncture the egg for fertilisation in order to spare the ovaries thus reducing the potential risk of postoperative complications. We are constantly striving to increase the quality of treatment.

More about our technologies

The popularity of ICSI continues to grow

90% of couples at the clinic would like to use this method, even if the man has normal semen analysis results. Using ICSI, we are able to minimise interruption of the cycle because eggs are not fertilised using the “classic or conventional IVF” method, where the egg is fertilised with sperm in a culture dish spontaneously.

The ICSI method

Experience with the ICSI method

ICSI is a long-proven method that was first used by doctors at the Brussels University Hospital in 1991. The first woman in the Czech Republic became pregnant thanks to IVF/ICSI in 1995. Today, this method is widely used throughout the world, as evidenced by ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) registers, which monitor the use of individual techniques in European countries.

So far, no studies have shown any difference in the psychomotor development of children born after ICSI and children born from spontaneous conception. Based on current knowledge, it can also be said that the fertilisation of eggs using ICSI does not increase the risk of delivering a foetus with a congenital defect compared to pregnancies following spontaneous fertilisation.


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IVF in Prague, Czechia +420 727 844 262 We’re online Po-Pá 8 - 16:30 hodin