Our clinic offers comprehensive services designed to maximise the success of your treatment.
Every couple is unique, which is why we offer personalised diagnostic procedures and recommend the best treatment plan. Our choice of targeted services increases the chance of success and provides comprehensive support on your journey to parenthood. We are here to help you achieve your dream of becoming parents..
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the most commonly used form of assisted reproduction. It's a relatively simple method, so it's usually the first choice for couples who are having trouble conceiving. In this procedure, sperm treated in the laboratory are introduced into the woman's uterus with a thin catheter.
In vitro fertilisation is one of the most effective methods of assisted reproduction; in this method, the egg is fertilised and the embryo/s develop outside the woman's body in the carefully controlled environment of an embryology laboratory. After it develops, the embryo is transferred to the uterus. In the IVF process, sperm fertilises the egg spontaneously, whereas in ICSI the sperm is inserted directly into the egg. ICSI is performed by our embryologists with a microscopic needle.
Donor eggs or sperm are used in the most successful fertility treatment methods. They are often, but not exclusively, used by people who have not had success with previous treatments using their own eggs or sperm. IVF with donor eggs is a suitable option for women who cannot conceive with their own eggs, provided there is no contraindication to carrying a child to term.
Donor eggs and sperm from suitable anonymous donors are used in assisted reproduction for couples unable to conceive with their own gametes. All our donors are evaluated and screened according to the safety standards and selection conditions required by law.
At your first visit, you will get a clear picture of your health and we will offer you different treatment options, including current trends in the field, and recommend the best solution for you.
At your first doctor's visit, we will take your complete medical history and ask specific questions about your past treatments, medications, surgeries, sexual history, past health problems, and other factors that may affect your fertility.
Then we will perform an ultrasound and suggest other tests to help determine the cause of infertility and create an individual treatment plan. Depending on the results of previous examinations, further tests or examinations will be performed.
Our doctors, experienced reproductive medicine specialists, will explain the best course of action after obtaining the results needed for the examination.
Diagnostic screenings are an integral part of any fertility treatment. Comprehensive examinations and tests help our doctors assess your true reproductive potential and choose the best treatment for you. Performing the right tests and getting the results quickly is essential to avoid delays in treatment if you've decided for IVF.
A vaginal ultrasound is performed to determine the health of your uterus and ovaries. If you are menstruating during the consultation, we will make another appointment for the examination.
An ultrasound is necessary in assessing fertility in order to:
An AMH (Anti-Müllerian hormone) test is a reliable indicator of a woman's ability to produce eggs. This test can be performed at any time because its level is not affected by the menstrual cycle. However, the result may depend on the accuracy of the laboratory.
Other blood tests that measure FSH, TSH, prolactin and oestradiol are also used to assess ovarian reserve and fertility. Basic blood tests are also important to rule out infections and common blood diseases.
The main purpose of ovarian reserve testing is to estimate the number of viable/potential eggs in your ovaries and the likelihood of pregnancy.
In 40-50% of couples, the male partner has issues with fertility; this is why it is important to analyse sperm condition and count.
For the semen analysis, the man must provide a sperm sample, which is later analysed by an experienced andrologist in a laboratory to see if the sperm can successfully fertilise an egg. Factors such as sperm count, motility and shape are evaluated. Based on these criteria, the sperm is graded according to the latest WHO standards. These assessments include:
Počet spermií: Normální počet spermií je více než 15 milionů spermií na mililitr spermatu. Méně než tento počet může naznačovat problém s plodností.
Sperm motility: Motility refers to the sperm's ability to move toward the egg. The WHO divides motility into categories; it is considered normal when at least 40% of sperm show movement and at least 32% have progressive motility, meaning they move straight forward.
Sperm morphology: Sperm shape affects their ability to fertilise an egg. The WHO stipulates that at least 4% of sperm should have a normal shape.
Based on these results, the andrologist will provide an overall fertility assessment, which may include recommendations for next steps or treatment.
Endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA) is a test that helps us determine when is the best time for embryo transfer after IVF. By knowing your ideal implantation window, you can increase your chances of success.
The endometrium is the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus. Your body prepares this tissue every month to receive an embryo. During pregnancy, the embryo remains attached to the endometrium. An embryo can only implant successfully during a certain time in the menstrual cycle.
Reproductive immunology allows us to perform tests that reveal immune factors affecting fertility. Specific treatments can be suggested based on these tests and they can significantly increase the chance of a successful pregnancy. This treatment can help you overcome immune barriers to fertilisation or successful pregnancy.
Genetic testing is a great option for couples who have genetic disorders in the family. However, even if you don't have any obvious genetic problems, genetic testing can provide useful information about potential risks.
The first step is an interview with a geneticist, who will take your family and personal medical history and identify any genetic risk factors. This is followed by a simple blood sample collection to determine the karyotype and examine the chromosomes. You will receive a recommendation for the next steps based on the results:
Preconception genetic testing This test is performed before a planned pregnancy; it helps identify genetic risk factors in both partners. It may detect genetic mutations that could be passed on to your children.
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is a sophisticated way of ensuring that your baby is healthy. This set of tests includes:
These tests will provide useful information for planning your pregnancy and choosing the most appropriate treatment, increasing the chances of a healthy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.
The first and most important test of male infertility is a semen analysis.
Andrology plays an important role in IVF (in vitro fertilisation), because it addresses male factors that can affect a couple's fertility. Andrologists at IVF clinics perform:
A semen analysis: They examine sperm quality and count to detect any problems that could affect fertility.
Diagnosis and treatment of fertility disorders: They help identify and treat causes of male infertility, such as hormonal imbalances or varicoceles.
You may need strategies for different scenarios - for example, if you've decided not to tell anyone else about your treatment, you're juggling the demands of work or family, and dealing with uncomfortable questions and well-meaning but unhelpful advice from friends.
You can have just one session or ongoing sessions with a fertility counsellor with or without your partner.
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The Europe IVF embryology laboratory is one of the few in the Czech Republic that uses the 2nd generation EmbryoScope TLM incubation system to culture and monitor the development of embryos created in IVF cycles. Embryoscope® allows embryologists to improve embryo selection by identifying embryos with the highest implantation potential and embryos with abnormal development through time-lapse management of uninterrupted culture. All our patients in the IVF treatment programme have access to this technology.
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The Europe IVF embryology laboratory uses an artificial intelligence (AI)-based system that provides a fully automated analysis of time-lapse sequences to monitor embryo development. This allows objective evaluation based on the probability of reaching a foetal heartbeat on days 2, 3 or at the blastocyst stage of each of the client's embryos in one click. Minimising bias helps embryologists prepare the best embryo for the upcoming transfer. iDAScore increases the 'live birth rate' for all age groups.
If a man is unable to naturally produce or release enough healthy sperm, there are methods used to retrieve sperm directly from testicular tissue.
Sometimes men produce sperm in the testicles, but the sperm is unable to exit the testicles due to an issue in the sperm pathway. So even if they are diagnosed with azoospermia, we can still retrieve sperm from the testicles.
Under certain circumstances, a man may not be able to produce enough sperm. In these situations, a couple can increase their chances of conception by retrieving stronger sperm from the testicles.
This is a very gentle revolutionary laboratory method used for sperm selection; it involves the use of a single-use glass chip containing microbarriers that mimic the natural environment of a woman's fallopian tubes. These microbarriers help naturally sort sperm, eliminating the need for previous preparation of the sperm sample and the use of equipment (e.g. processing by centrifugation). This method ensures that the sorted sperm are of better quality with better morphology, viability, mobility and undamaged DNA.
This modern method has been proven to increase the success of an IVF cycle by up to 25%.
Pregnancy only occurs after the embryo 'hatches'. The immature egg is enclosed by a shell known as the zona pellucida. This ensures that only one sperm gets inside to fertilise the egg. After the egg is fertilised, the zona pellucida holds the cells of the embryo together.
Assisted hatching is a fast and safe method that helps the embryos implant in the uterus. An expert embryologist performs assisted hatching before transferring the embryo to the uterus.
If you are considering preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), assisted embryo hatching on day 3 post-fertilisation may make a biopsy for PGT easier.
In a natural pregnancy, the concentration of hyaluronan in the uterus increases. In assisted reproduction, it is best to supply this substance. The high content of hyaluronan in EmbryoGlue® thickens the solution, giving it a consistency similar to endometrial fluid. This minimises unwanted movements of the embryo. EmbryoGlue® helps embryos implant in the uterus.
These culture media are designed to mimic the embryo's natural environment as much as possible, helping it grow and increasing the probability of successful embryo transfer and implantation.
These media contain the key growth hormone GM-CSF, which occurs naturally in the fallopian tubes and uterus of pregnant women. Its task is to help the embryo with the intake of nutrients and thus support its growth. It also protects healthy embryos from negative influences.
After fertilisation of the eggs, we culture the embryos for the first three days in the EmbryoGen medium, after which we move them to the BlastGen culture medium to continue their development until the blastocyst stage, when they are transferred or vitrified.
If you aren't ready to become pregnant for personal or medical reasons, but would like to in the future, freezing your eggs, sperm or embryos (also known as cryopreservation) allows you to preserve your fertility until you are ready to start or expand your biological family. This process includes freezing your reproductive cells for your future biological family.
If you are undergoing certain types of cancer treatment, including chemotherapy or radiotherapy, you may want to consider freezing your eggs, sperm or embryos. Some drugs used in the treatment of cancer can cause infertility, especially in high doses.
Some people may not feel ready for parenthood yet. You may want to preserve your fertility because you haven't met the right partner, because of work, if you don't feel financially or emotionally ready, or if you have other life plans you want to pursue.
If you are in the military and/or you participate in military missions, you may choose to freeze your sperm, eggs, or embryos prior to deployment to preserve fertility in the event of injury. This option can give you peace of mind that no matter what happens, you will be able to have a family in the future.The same can apply to members of the police, fire brigade and anyone who works in high-risk occupations.
You may want to preserve your fertility if you engage in action sports, i.e. you compete or engage in extreme sports where there is a high risk of injury. As in the case of risky occupations, freezing your reproductive cells can give you peace of mind for the future.
There can be many potential reasons for delaying parenthood, including your career, financial security, or other social factors. This is especially true for women, because the quantity and quality of their eggs decline over time, which may make it difficult to conceive later. Early freezing of eggs or embryos ensures better quality, increasing the chances of future pregnancy.
Egg freezing is an established and safe way to preserve fertility by freezing mature eggs that can be used for future pregnancy. At Europe IVF, we offer egg freezing directly at our clinic.
Sperm banking, also known as cryopreservation, is a process in which male gametes (sperm) are preserved at very low temperatures for later use. This procedure allows men to preserve their fertility for future fertilisation.
This procedure is used to plan future parenthood, e.g. before treatment that may affect fertility (e.g. chemotherapy), or for men working in risky occupations.
We provide personal, fast and affordable assisted conception treatment. We prepare a personalised cost plan in advance so you have a clear idea without hidden extras.
For your convenience, we have prepared a sample cargo simulation.