IVF blog
Blog about IVF and news from our clinic
Reproductive Immunology: A New Hope for Couples Struggling with Infertility
Struggling to conceive can stem from various causes, and if you suffer from chronic gynecological inflammation or conditions like celiac disease, a relatively new field—reproductive immunology—might offer a solution. This specialized area can uncover links between the immune system and fertility, providing hope and solutions for couples who have been unable to conceive for an extended period without any apparent cause.
2 min reading · ArticlesBenefits and use of EmbryoGlue in IVF: Increasing the chances of success
Our clinic uses EmbryoGlue, as well as other supportive methods, mainly because it increases the chances of successful embryo attachment and thus the overall success rate of IVF cycles for our clients.
3 min reading · ArticlesCauses of Female Infertility: Discover Them Early!
Efforts to start a family can be among the most pleasant aspects of a partnership. However, if it is still not happening, time is passing, inquisitive questions from those around you are increasing, and month after month the pregnancy test remains negative, what was once pleasant can become a stressful matter. What can cause female infertility? What are its most common causes and how can they be detected early?
4 min reading · ArticlesInfertility: ten questions you were afraid to ask with answers
Every fifth couple in the Czech Republic has infertility issues. Although this is a fairly common issue, there are many myths and a lack of clarity surrounding this topic. When is the best time to get pregnant, what is the best time to try for a baby and which risk factors threaten fertility? We know the answers to these questions and more!
3 min reading · ArticlesChristmas without a baby? Get ready for prying questions from an inquisitive family
Christmas is just around the corner. Children are sending letters to Santa and looking forward to presents under the Christmas tree. For grown ups, Christmas is a time when family gets together. The family engages in casual conversation at the dinner table, but this 'small talk' may be a bit unpleasant for some of those present, especially single individuals and couples without children. If being childless is voluntary and you are happy, you can handle nagging questions with humor, but if you are trying to conceive and are unsuccessful, these questions can be unpleasant. Even a seemingly harmless sentence can turn Christmas into hell for the person concerned.
3 min reading · ArticlesInfertility and Christmas: How to get through another Christmas without a baby
For most people, Christmas is a time spent with family and children, but for infertile couples it is a painful reminder of what they desire so much and have failed to achieve. It is no wonder that for these people, the Christmas holidays are associated feelings that are the opposite of abundance and joy. How can you and your partner get through the holidays and try to enjoy them?
3 min reading · ArticlesThe different paths to family happiness
Today, every sixth couple struggles with an unfulfilled desire to have children. Dr Monika Perd'ochová, IVF doctor at Europe IVF, explains the reasons and possible solutions.
5 min reading · ArticlesVitamin D and fertility: How vitamin D can help you get pregnant
Adequate levels of vitamin D contribute to the optimal functioning of the body not only during the treatment of infertility using assisted reproductive methods (for example, IVF), but also when trying to get pregnant naturally. This is because it helps the production of sex hormones and the proper functioning of the reproductive system. In women it supports the correct course of ovulation, in men it improves the quality of sperm
4 min reading · ArticlesProgesterone during IVF and pregnancy
Progesterone is a female reproductive hormone. Its production begins in small amounts already during the maturation of the follicles, increases after the formation of the corpus luteum and rises steeply in pregnancy.