IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic

IVF blog

Blog about IVF and news from our clinic

2 min reading · Articles

How to increase female fertility and improve the chances of conception

When couples decide to become parents, they often expect their first attempt to be succussful. But you may not see two lines on a pregnancy test your next cycle, on the contrary: it's almost impossible to know how long it will take before you conceive. There are thankfully many ways for a woman to increase her fertility and her chances of becoming pregnant.

2 min reading · Articles

Sex and IVF: What do you need to know about sex during IVF treatment?

It's finally here - your IVF journey is beginning, and if everything goes smoothly, you will soon become parents. Although this tends to be accompanied with great hope and excitement, the treatment may also be stressful and raise 'safety' questions. One question that may arise is whether you can have sex during and after IVF treatment.

1 min reading · News

Welcome to our new clinic, come in!

All storks have found a new nest on 1 January! Our clinic has moved to a new address that provides much more space as well as better transport connections for our clients and staff. We have added higher comfort and better facilities to the high quality of our services and unchanged family atmosphere.

1 min reading · News

The position of chief physician was filled by experienced specialist MUDr. Štěpán Budka

In a new coat with a new chief physician from 1 January. In addition to the new address of the clinic that provides significantly increased comfort for patients, the position of chief physician was taken over by MUDr. Štěpán Budka. This renowned IVF specialist with experience as a chief physician from his previous practice will be available to the clinic's patients every day.

1 min reading · News

From 1 January 2022 you will find the EUROPE IVF clinic at a new address

On 1 January 2022 our clinic is moving to a new address. This change will provide much more space for clients and staff, as well as better accessibility. The quality of care, the family atmosphere and our friendly approach will naturally remain.

2 min reading · Articles

Ectopic pregnancy after IVF

In order for a pregnancy to progress successfully from two lines on a pregnancy test to delivery, a woman's body must fulfil several important tasks, one of which is the fertilised egg implanting in the uterus. Unfortunately, this is not always the case... In these cases women may experience an ectopic pregnancy. How can you recognize it and what are the risks?

1 min reading · Articles

Bleeding after IVF? Don’t think of the worst

An emotional roller coaster - this is how most women describe the days after an embryo transfer, experiencing a lot of ups and downs. In addition, symptoms such as cramps, spotting or light bleeding, which future mothers often interpret as a bad omen, can make the waiting period more uncomfortable. However, in many cases there is no reason to panic.

2 min reading · Articles

How can you improve your spermiogram and support male fertility?

In the world of (in)fertility, there are numerous tips and methods for improving female reproductive health, but there is far less advice on how to increase male fertility. What can you do when something isn't right with your sperm, and how can you improve the results of your spermiogram?

1 min reading · News

Our clinic is operating with no restrictions, and anyone can travel to the Czech Republic for medical reasons

Despite the worsening epidemiological situation throughout Europe, our clinic still provides unrestricted services, and anyone can travel to the Czech Republic for medical reasons.

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