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What to do after IVF
So, you’ve completed your IVF cycle. If a pregnancy test confirms you are pregnant, contact us so that we can plan the next step with you. If pregnancy is not confirmed, don’t despair. IVF treatment may not be successful on the first try. Contact us and we’ll discuss the next steps.
Contact usRegimen after transfer
We recommend rest after embryo transfer. Avoid strenuous physical activity, sexual intercourse and hot baths. You can go back to your normal routine after 1-2 weeks, but we still recommend avoiding strenuous physical activity. You will find a list of medication and instructions in your discharge report.
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Positive pregnancy test
Take a pregnancy test using your morning urine 20 days after embryo transfer. If the pregnancy test is positive, continue with the prescribed medication until the 12th week of your pregnancy. Contact us and we will arrange an ultrasound at the clinic, which should take place approximately 7-10 days after your confirmed pregnancy test. At the same time, you should start discontinuing the medication. Standard prenatal screening also takes place, together with a check-up at your gynaecologist´s.
If you need help or have any questions, please contact our coordinators.
Negative pregnancy test
The pregnancy test was negative? Don't despair; you don't always get pregnant the first time. If the pregnancy test is repeatedly negative, stop taking all medication and contact us after your menstrual cycle to prepare for the transfer of your frozen embryos, or to discuss the next steps.
Our coordinators will be happy to advise you on what to do and how to prepare for the next transfer.
Ask our coordinators about anything you are interested in
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Frequently asked questions
How does age affect fertility?
Age is crucial for a woman’s fertility. A woman starts to be less fertile after the age of 30 and fertility decreases very quickly from the age of 35. One of the reasons is that the quality of eggs decreases. This can be solved by using donated eggs.
How long does IVF take?
The duration of the whole IVF process depends on the specific type of treatment chosen. One cycle at the Europe IVF clinic usually takes 2 months.