IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic

We have a consistently high success rate of 68% on average

15.1.2021 · 1 min reading
We have a consistently high success rate of 68% on average thumbnail

Our doctors and embryologists have many years of experience at major centres of assisted reproduction in the Czech Republic and abroad. At the same time, we use state-of-the-art technologies and procedures that help us provide clients with the best possible treatment.

Thanks to this, we have a high success rate for IVF cycles with donated eggs of 68% on average. This ranks Europe IVF among the world’s leading centres of assisted reproduction.

Indeed, success is one of the main criteria many couples base their decision on when choosing a fertility clinic. However, there is no single way to evaluate success, and many centres boast very high success rates that are not based on realistic results. Europe IVF is not just backed by a high success rate, but also by many stories of satisfied clients. Every year we help hundreds of couples from all over the world fulfil their dream of having a child. Book an initial consultation at our clinic and start infertility treatment as soon as possible.

What factors affect the success of treatment?

In addition to the experience of our doctors and the technological equipment we use at the clinic, the main factors affecting the success of IVF cycles are the woman’s age and chosen methods of treatment.

A woman’s fertility decreases with age and, unfortunately, her chances of successful IVF also decline. For women under 35, the chances are in the upper tens of percent. After that, however, fertility declines rapidly and the chance of clients over the age of 40 of a successful IVF cycle using their own eggs is small.

Repeated transfers of frozen embryos increase the chances of success significantly. During an IVF cycle, we usually obtain multiple healthy embryos. We can freeze the remaining embryos so that we can use them if the first attempt fails. Several repeated transfers can be performed this way.

We use a range of laboratory methods to increase your chances of pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby. These include ICSI, Microfluidic sperm sorting chips, EmbryoScope or assisted hatching. A doctor will recommend the best method for you following an initial consultation.

We recommend using our donor programme, especially for clients who have had repeated failures with conventional IVF. IVF cycles using donated eggs have a significantly higher success rate because we use the eggs of young and healthy donors.

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