IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic

Conditions for IVF in the Czech Republic

29.9.2021 · 1 min reading
Conditions for IVF in the Czech Republic thumbnail

When it comes to in vitro fertilisation, there are a number of questions that couples longing for a baby ask us. What are the terms of the treatment? Are there any legislative restrictions? We will answer these questions and more in today's article.

Age as the main factor

Treatment at IVF clinics follow Czech law and are subject to several laws that stipulate the conditions under which you can undergo IVF treatment. Since it is often older women who decide to undergo in vitro fertilisation, it is probably no surprise that the maximum age at which it is possible to undergo IVF is a much-discussed topic – by law, the age of a woman on the day of the embryo transfer must not exceed 48 years + 364 days.

Without a partner? Not possible

You cannot undergo in vitro fertilisation without a partner – although you don’t have to be married and the man does not need to be present throughout the treatment, in vitro fertilisation is considered a couple therapy with which the patient’s partner of the opposite sex must agree. Czech law therefore does not allow assisted reproduction for lesbian couples or single women.

Choosing the baby’s sex: Boy or girl?

It is also not allowed to choose your preferred sex. According to applicable legislation, only a couple in which one partner is the carrier of a serious genetic disorder that can be passed on to a certain sex can choose the sex of their baby.  For couples like these, the sex that is not at risk of the genetic disorder is chosen.

Egg and sperm donation: strictly anonymous

If a woman has trouble conceiving with her own eggs, or sperm from a donor needs to be used to fertilise the eggs, future parents may use donor programmes to increase their chances of getting pregnant. Sperm and egg donors undergo many examinations and are chosen very carefully – however, the clinic strictly guards their identity, just as it does the identity of the couple who receives their cells. By law, the donation of eggs and sperm is mutually anonymous.

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