IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic

We have reinstated the need to wear masks at the clinic

15.1.2021 · 1 min reading
We have reinstated the need to wear masks at the clinic thumbnail

On Monday, 27 July, we reinstated the strict rule that everyone inside the Europe IVF clinic must wear a mask. This change follows the implementation of measures issued by the Public Health Authority in Prague, according to which it is now compulsory to wear masks in the waiting rooms of medical facilities.

A series of other preventive measures still apply at the Europe IVF clinic, thanks to which the risk to our clients and medical staff is minimised. We also offer our clients PCR tests to detect the COVID-19 virus.

The Europe IVF clinic is fully operational and you can book an initial consultation. This can take place online or in person.

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