What dietary supplements are appropriate to use during treatment?
Diet, specifically the micronutrients we provide to the body, plays an important role not only in trying to get pregnant, but also in pregnancy itself. However, it is often difficult to ensure optimal levels through diet, so your doctor may recommend supplementation in the form of a nutritional supplement, which can be purchased freely at the pharmacy. Your doctor will also advise you on the most suitable products, including the recommended dose.
Folic acid
Folic acid supplementation is not only associated with a greater chance of pregnancy, but is also taken in subsequent pregnancies to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus and the proper development of its cardiovascular system.
These beneficial bacteria are responsible for many metabolic processes that affect fertility. By aiding in proper digestion, they ensure the absorption of important vitamins and minerals, regulate hormonal levels necessary for pregnancy and also protect the expectant mother from possible infections and inflammation.
Vitamin D
Commonly known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, it helps our bodies absorb calcium for bone health, but it also plays a role in cell growth, muscle function and immunity. Insufficient levels of this vitamin are not ideal for conception or pregnancy, so supplementation is often recommended even during the IVF process.
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