Welcome to our new clinic, come in!
17.1.2022 · 1 min reading
All storks have found a new nest on 1 January! Our clinic has moved to a new address that provides much more space as well as better transport connections for our clients and staff. We have added higher comfort and better facilities to the high quality of our services and unchanged family atmosphere.
Still in Prague, but with increased comfort
The villa in Prague 5 was a fairytale place where the dreams of many couples came true. It will be even better at our new clinic. We moved over the Christmas holidays, and everything worked out as planned. A professional company took care of the transfer from ‘point A to point B’, the frozen sperm, eggs and embryos were safely moved, and now we want to share our first impressions of the new facilities.
Wide open spaces and comfort for everyone
We got settled in quickly. And how could we not? Our new clinic is much more spacious, offering greater comfort for our staff and clients. The metro station, the nearby airport and motorway access eliminated issues with transport and parking. You can easily reach us from the centre of Prague, and if you come in your own car, you will have an available parking lot with lots of parking spaces.
We have all the operation permits
The new laboratory is ready for the next portion of miracles! We have received all the necessary operation permits, including approval from the State Institute for Drug Control (SÚKL), which controls the handling of tissue cells. Everything is ready for you and your step into a new life at Evropská 859/115 in Prague 6. We look forward to your visit!