IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
TESTS AND EXAMINATIONS ERA test: Endometrial Receptivity Array hero-image ERA test: Endometrial Receptivity Array hero-image

ERA test: Endometrial Receptivity Array

This test helps us determine the right moment for embryo transfer and reception to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

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Determining the optimal time for embryo transfer

The ERA test is very sensitive and allows a good estimate of when the endometrium is ready to receive the embryo. The test is therefore recommended for women who have had repeated unsuccessful embryo transfers. Normally, the endometrium is assessed using ultrasound. However, this can only show its thickness and structure. The ERA test offers new ways to assess the endometrium, which increases the chances of a successful pregnancy.

At molecular level, the ERA test determines the expression levels of 238 genes involved in endometrial receptivity. This allows the doctor to assess whether the endometrium is receptive for embryo transfer on the given days or whether the “window of implantation” has shifted. Based on the results, we can determine the appropriate date for embryo transfer for each client individually.

Studies confirm the usefulness of this test

The ERA test was clinically tested on women with a normal uterus and normal endometrial thickness (6 mm or more), who had experienced unsuccessful embryo transfer. A shifted 'window of implantation' was detected in approximately 20% of these patients.

ERA + EMMA + ALICE - Section image


ERA, EMMA, ALICE - all three tests are performed by analysing the tissue of the endometrium, which the doctor obtains by biopsy. All tests can be performed using a single sample of the endometrium. The combination of all 3 tests ensures complete evaluation of endometrial receptivity, not just at morphological and molecular level, but also from a microbial perspective.


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