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EMMA test (Endometrial Microbioma Metagenonic Analysis)
The EMMA test provides a complete picture of the composition of endometrial microbiota and allows us to recommend the appropriate steps to restore optimal conditions.
Contact usStudies have shown the existence of endometrial microbiota that affect reproductive function. Approximately 191 taxonomic units were defined as Lactobacillus dominant microorganisms (LD) and non-Lactobacillus dominant microorganisms (NLD). The presence of NLD was associated, for example, with a significant reduction in successful implantation (60.7% vs 23.1%) and a reduced rate of pregnancy (70.6% vs 23.3%).
The EMMA test provides a complete picture of the composition of endometrial microbiota and allows us to recommend the appropriate steps to restore optimal conditions. As a result, the chance of successful IVF increases.
EMMA, ERA, ALICE - all three tests are performed by analysing the tissue of the endometrium, which the doctor obtains by biopsy. All tests can be performed using a single sample of the endometrium. The combination of all 3 tests ensures complete evaluation of endometrial receptivity, not just at morphological and molecular level, but also from a microbial perspective.
Book a consultation and we’ll see how we can help

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