IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
Vyšetření a testy EMMA test (Endometrial Microbioma Metagenonic Analysis) hero-image EMMA test (Endometrial Microbioma Metagenonic Analysis) hero-image
Vyšetření a testy

EMMA test (Endometrial Microbioma Metagenonic Analysis)

The EMMA test provides a complete picture of the composition of endometrial microbiota and allows us to recommend the appropriate steps to restore optimal conditions.

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Studies have shown the existence of endometrial microbiota that affect reproductive function. Approximately 191 taxonomic units were defined as Lactobacillus dominant microorganisms (LD) and non-Lactobacillus dominant microorganisms (NLD). The presence of NLD was associated, for example, with a significant reduction in successful implantation (60.7% vs 23.1%) and a reduced rate of pregnancy (70.6% vs 23.3%).

The EMMA test provides a complete picture of the composition of endometrial microbiota and allows us to recommend the appropriate steps to restore optimal conditions. As a result, the chance of successful IVF increases.

EMMA + ERA + ALICE - Section image


EMMA, ERA, ALICE - all three tests are performed by analysing the tissue of the endometrium, which the doctor obtains by biopsy. All tests can be performed using a single sample of the endometrium. The combination of all 3 tests ensures complete evaluation of endometrial receptivity, not just at morphological and molecular level, but also from a microbial perspective.


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IVF in Prague, Czechia +420 727 844 262 We’re online Po-Pá 8 - 16:30 hodin

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