IVF in Prague, Czech Republic
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IVF in Prague, Czech Republic

From 1 January 2022 you will find the EUROPE IVF clinic at a new address

14.12.2021 · 1 min reading
From 1 January 2022 you will find the EUROPE IVF clinic at a new address thumbnail

On 1 January 2022 our clinic is moving to a new address. This change will provide much more space for clients and staff, as well as better accessibility. The quality of care, the family atmosphere and our friendly approach will naturally remain.

We will still be in Prague

The current location in Prague 5 was a fairy-tale place where many couples’ dreams came true, but the same will be true for the new address. We’re moving over the Christmas holidays to limit the functioning of the clinic as little as possible, and after the New Year we will start making the dreams of more couples come true in the beautiful spaces at the new address:

Evropská 859/115
160 00 Praha 6 – Vokovice

Metro line A – Nádraží Veleslavín
Building signed with „A“ across the street
GPS: 50.0957585559239, 14.348412269356126

More space and comfort for our clients and staff

The homely atmosphere will not be lost for our clients. In addition to a family environment and an individualised approach, the new address will provide more space, where staff and clients can enjoy much greater comfort. And that’s not all.

Trouble-free transport and parking

The new address will allow better accessibility thanks to its proximity to the metro, airport and all motorways. You can easily reach us from the centre of Prague, and if you come by car, you’ll appreciate the trouble-free parking.

We will safely move all embryos, eggs and sperm

We have chosen a professional company to move our laboratory, which will ensure the safe transport of frozen cells and equipment. All the embryos, eggs and sperm of our clients will be safely moved to the new address along with the whole clinic. As we say in the Czech Republic: What you dream the first night in a new place will come true. And we believe you will dream about a thousand unborn children. And happy parents. We look forward to you!

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Welcome to our new clinic, come in! thumbnail 1 min reading · News

Welcome to our new clinic, come in!

All storks have found a new nest on 1 January! Our clinic has moved to a new address that provides much more space as well as better transport connections for our clients and staff. We have added higher comfort and better facilities to the high quality of our services and unchanged family atmosphere.


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