An emotional roller coaster - this is how most women describe the days after an embryo transfer, experiencing a lot of ups and downs. In addition, symptoms such as cramps, spotting or light bleeding, which future mothers often interpret as a bad omen, can make the waiting period more uncomfortable. However, in many cases there is no reason to panic.
When it comes to in vitro fertilisation, there are a number of questions that couples longing for a baby ask us. What are the terms of the treatment? Are there any legislative restrictions? We will answer these questions and more in today's article.
It's not uncommon for men to feel uncomfortable or embarassed about collecting a sperm sample. But being in a medical environment does not necessarily mean you won't have the privacy you would normally need for such an intimate act, on the contrary. At our clinic we do our best to make sure you're not under pressure and that you have enough time.
The menstrual cycle is usually considered a nuisance, not something that can enrich us - it is not just a few days of menstrual bleeding, but a month-long run with a number of mental, emotional and physical changes that have a significant impact on the way we experience things and our behavior. It helps for women to understand their cycle, and here's why.
Relaxing, tuning in to yourself and not letting yourself be controlled by thoughts are the basic principles of mindfulness, which has become an effective psychotherapeutic method for the treatment of depression, anxiety and chronic stress. Psychologists also recommend it for couples dealing with infertility. Why is mindfulness experiencing such a boom and how can it help you?
The first thing that probably comes to your mind when you think of IVF is a "baby from a test tube". However, due to rapidly growing infertility, this acronym is no longer the "big unknown". It is now a method that makes the dream of hundreds of couples a year come true. What are all the things IVF entails and how is it done?
The moment you've been waiting for, the dream you haven't given up on and fought for, is here - you are pregnant and you will become parents in a few months. In what way can pregnancy after IVF be different, how is it calculated and what should you keep in mind?
Postponing parenthood "indefinitely" has become a trend, but there are also many couples who keep a "back door" in mind to ensure their future family. In this article, we bring you 10 of the most important questions that you should ask yourself if you are thinking about freezing your eggs and to whom you should entrust this crucial step.
Are you trying to conceive? I'm sure you don't need advice on how to do it, but you may need help with timing to make sure your attempts are successful. There are countless tips on the Internet for guaranteed ways of getting pregnant, but today we will focus on those that are medically based, and we will teach you the biggest trick - recognizing your fertile days and ovulation.
The introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity gives not only high hopes, but also brings a number of questions. No wonder - embryo transfer is the finish line of artificial insemination, and if everything goes as planned, you will soon be much closer to your dream. What do you need to know about embryo transfer and what to expect?