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Becoming a parent is one of life's biggest permanent decisions that requires careful planning. A healthy start to a future family begins with self-care.

It pays to be proactive

Preparing for parenthood is like training for a marathon – it's  best to have a plan! Taking care of your health and getting rid of bad habits  provides benefits for your child. Strong relationships with family and  friends will give you support and valuable advice, while planning will help  you better manage your finances and prepare for all the necessary expenses.

You may not be thinking about starting a family today, but now is a good time to start taking care of your reproductive health. Checking your reproductive health sooner rather than later will help you make important decisions early. Whether you want to conceive earlier than you originally planned, or you want to delay parenthood and you are considering freezing your gametes as part of your plan for future parenthood.

Preparation can also help you manage the emotional roller  coaster that parenthood undoubtedly is.

  • Better coping: Preparation helps you face the challenges and  reduce the stress of parenthood.
  • A  healthy start: Taking care of your own health and getting rid of unhealthy  habits will create an ideal environment for your child.
  • Support  network: Strong relationships with family and friends will give you the  support and advice you need.
  • Financial  stability: Planning allows you to better manage your finances and prepare for  childcare costs.
  • Emotional  stability: Preparation will help you manage the emotional changes and  responsibilities that come with parenthood.
  • Health  certainty: It helps detect and manage health problems that could affect the  pregnancy and the health of the child.
  • Genetic  information: You will receive important information about potential genetic  risks.
  • Optimal  health: You will improve your health before conception, which will increase  the chance of a healthy pregnancy.
  • Better  planning: It will allow you to better time your pregnancy and prepare  yourself physically and mentally.
  • Prevention  of complications: It reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy and  childbirth.

Tick tock: Having a child isn't a given.

Whether you're planning to have a baby now or in the future, or you're just curious about your reproductive health, fertility testing is a great place to start.

Anyone in any kind of relationship, as well as single men and  women, can have their fertility tested. For heterosexual couples who want to  understand their combined fertility, it is important that they get tested  around the same time. Choose the right diagnostic package for your situation.

Fertility  testing will give you important information about your ability to conceive a  child. The tests can reveal:

  • Hormonal imbalance: Low levels of  FSH, LH, oestrogens or progesterone, which can affect ovulation and the  menstrual cycle.
  • Sperm problems: Low sperm count,  poor motility or abnormal shape.
  • Anatomical anomalies: Blocked  fallopian tubes or fibroids in the uterus that may prevent fertilisation or  implantation.

Don't  wait until it's too late - approach fertility testing responsibly now and  gain peace of mind knowing you've done your best for a healthy and happy  start to your future family.

Fertility  testing for women is comprehensive; it includes hormone testing, imaging  tests, genetic screening and physical examinations. These tests help identify  potential problems that could affect fertility, and allow recommendations for  appropriate treatments or interventions to improve reproductive health.

Why get  tested?

  • You will get peace of mind: Knowing how you are doing gives you peace of mind and certainty. Testing helps you better plan for the future, whether you're trying to get pregnant or you just want to be informed.
  • It helps prevent problems: If the test reveals a problem, you have enough time to think and get professional help or treatment under one roof. Early detection of potential problems will allow you to act earlier and increase the chances of successful conception.
  • Informed decision-making: Test results allow you to make informed decisions about your reproductive health. By knowing where you are at in terms of your health, you can adapt your lifestyle and healthcare to your needs.

Anti-Mülleriánský hormon (AMH): Ukazuje počet antrálních folikulů ve vaječnících a poskytuje odhad ovariální rezervy.

Folikulostimulační hormon (FSH): Měří hladinu FSH v krvi. Vysoké hladiny mohou indikovat sníženou ovariální rezervu.

Thyroidní stimulující hormon (TSH): Funkce štítné žlázy ovlivňuje plodnost. Abnormální hladiny mohou ovlivnit menstruační cykly a ovulaci.

Prolaktin: Zvýšené hladiny mohou interferovat s ovulací.

Gynekologické vyšetření: Fyzické vyšetření k kontrole abnormalit v reprodukčních orgánech.

Transvaginální ultrazvuk: Vyšetřuje vaječníky a dělohu. Pomáhá identifikovat podmínky jako syndrom polycystických vaječníků (PCOS), fibroidy nebo cysty. Měří tloušťku endometriální sliznice.

Genetické vyšetření obsahuje:

Karyotypová analýza: Zkoumá chromozomy k identifikaci genetických poruch, které by mohly ovlivnit plodnost nebo způsobit opakované těhotenské ztráty.

Genetický screening: Identifikuje, zda je osoba nositelem genů pro specifické genetické poruchy, které by mohly být předány potomkům.

Diagnostic  packages and services

Choose a  diagnostic package that best suits your situation:

  • The AMH package provides information  about a woman's ovarian reserve by measuring AMH hormone levels in the blood.
  • The comprehensive package includes more detailed hormone tests and ultrasounds.
  • The specialised package offers advanced tests such as genetic tests and tests that  detect specific reproductive issues.

Male  infertility is more common than many people think, and it can be caused by a  variety of factors. Tests include a semen analysis, hormone tests and genetic  screening, which help identify potential problems that could affect fertility  and suggest appropriate treatments or interventions to improve reproductive  health.

Why get  tested?

  • You  will gain peace of mind: Knowing how you are doing will give you peace of  mind and certainty. Testing helps you better plan for the future, whether  you're trying to get pregnant or you just want to stay informed.
  • You  prevent problems: If the test reveals a problem, you have enough time to  think and get professional help or treatment at the same place. Early  detection of potential problems will allow you to act sooner, increasing your  chances of a successful pregnancy.
  • Informed  decision-making: The tests help you make informed decisions about your  reproductive health. By knowing where you are at in terms of health, you can  adapt your lifestyle and healthcare to your needs.



Genetické vyšetření obsahuje:

Karyotypová analýza: Zkoumá chromozomy k identifikaci genetických poruch, které by mohly ovlivnit plodnost nebo způsobit opakované těhotenské ztráty.

Genetický screening: Identifikuje, zda je osoba nositelem genů pro specifické genetické poruchy, které by mohly být předány potomkům.

Diagnostic  packages and services

Choose a  diagnostic package that best suits your situation:

  • A sperm analysis provides a  detailed analysis that assesses sperm count, motility and shape.
  • The comprehensive package includes a  semen analysis, basic hormone tests and testing for infections that can  affect fertility.
  • The specialised package offers advanced  genetic tests and tests for specific reproductive problems and abnormalities  that can affect fertility and the birth of a healthy child.

Insurance for the future

Fertility preservation, also known as social freezing, is a  great way of planning for the future that offers women and men the  flexibility to balance their personal, professional and reproductive goals.  It allows you to take control of your fertility and provides a sense of  security and peace of mind while you focus on your life choices.

With  advances in medical technology and changing societal norms, social freezing  is becoming an increasingly viable and popular option for people around the  world.

The  freezing of sperm and eggs for medical reasons (medical freezing) is a  prudent way to ensure the possibility of having your own children in the  future, even if you are facing demanding medical procedures. This allows you  to get the necessary treatment knowing that your future is still open and  full of possibilities.

Egg freezing is an established and safe way to preserve  fertility by freezing mature eggs that can be used for future pregnancy. At  Europe IVF, we offer egg freezing directly at our clinic.

Your treatment journey 
Initial consultation
Stimulation and monitoring
Egg  retrieval
Freezing  and storage

Sperm freezing, also known as cryopreservation, is a process in which male gametes (sperm) are preserved at very low temperatures for later use. This procedure allows men to preserve their fertility for future fertilisation.

This procedure is used to plan future parenthood, e.g. before  treatment that may affect fertility (e.g. chemotherapy), or for men working  in risky occupations.

Your treatment journey 
Initial consultation
Sample  collection
Preparation  in laboratory
Selection  and freezing

Trying for a baby can sometimes be hard

Getting  a diagnosis of infertility is often shocking and emotionally difficult for  many couples. This moment is often the beginning of a long and uncertain  journey to find a solution that can last for years.

The  process of searching for solutions provides an opportunity to expand your  knowledge of your own body and health and to discover new technologies and  treatments. Modern medicine offers a wide range of options and treatment  methods that are constantly improving and bring hope for a positive outcome.  Although the road may be long, each step forward is a step towards achieving  your goal of becoming a parent.

Infertility  is defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected  intercourse. If you have been trying to get pregnant for a year or more  without success, you should see a reproductive medicine specialist. Women  over 35 should consult a doctor after six months of unsuccessful attempts.

If you  suspect you may have a fertility problem, book a consultation with our  specialist. If you are delaying starting a family due to age or financial  circumstances, consider freezing your eggs or sperm to increase your chances  of future conception.

Women  are responsible for about 30% of fertility problems. Female fertility  problems include irregular ovulation, blocked fallopian tubes and uterine  abnormalities such as fibroids and endometriosis. Treatment options include  surgery, hormone therapy and IVF (in-vitro fertilisation).

About  one in six couples have fertility problems. In most cases, assisted  reproduction methods can help.

In  about one third of couples, the woman has fertility issues, one third of  cases are caused by the man, and in one third of couples both partners have  fertility issues. No cause is found in about one in 10 couples screened for  infertility. This is called 'unexplained' or 'idiopathic' infertility.

Because  people are having children at a later age than they used to, age-related  infertility is affecting an increasing number of women and men.

At  Europe IVF, we can perform certain tests to find out why you are unable to  conceive. Based on the results, our reproductive medicine specialist will  help you determine the cause of the problem.

Female  infertility may be caused by:

  • Ovulation  problems        
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)  
  • Fallopian tube abnormalities
  •  Uterine problems  
  • Endometriosis

Tests performed to determine the cause of infertility may  include:

  • A physical examination - including taking the patient's medical  history
  • Blood tests - to check the levels of ovulation hormones
  • Laparoscopy - 'keyhole' surgery in which an instrument is  inserted through a small incision in the abdomen to examine the reproductive  organs
  • Ultrasound – to check for fibroids and other conditions
  • The partner's sperm will also be analysed to make sure he is  fertile.

Treatment options for female infertility depend on the cause,  but they may include:

  • Surgery
  • Ovulation induction (with ovulation drugs)
  • Assisted reproductive technology (ART) including in vitro  fertilisation (IVF)
  • Přibližně 30 % problémů s plodností má původ u muže.
  • Problémy s mužskou plodností zahrnují nekvalitní spermie, nízký počet spermií nebo ucpání trubic reprodukčního systému.
  • Možnosti léčby špatné kvality spermií zahrnují inseminaci mužské partnerky koncentrovaným vzorkem mužského spermatu a intracytoplazmatickou injekci spermie (ICSI).
  • Při ICSI se odeberou vajíčka ženy a do každého vajíčka se pomocí mikroskopické jehly vstříkne jediná spermie.

Approximately 30% of fertility problems are caused by men. Male  fertility problems include poor sperm quality, low sperm count and blockages  in tubes of the reproductive system. Treatment options for poor sperm quality  include insemination with a concentrated sperm sample and intracytoplasmic  sperm injection (ICSI). In ICSI, a woman's eggs are collected and a single  sperm is injected into each egg using a microscopic needle.

New life begins when an egg is fertilised by a sperm. Healthy  ejaculate contains around 20 million sperm per millilitre (ml) with  sufficient motility and strength to swim to the fallopian tube, where  conception occurs.

The probability of conception for a young fertile couple is  approximately 25% per month. If you do not get pregnant after 12 months of  trying (6 months if the woman is over 35), there may be a fertility problem.

At Europe IVF, we can perform certain tests to find out why you  are unable to conceive. Based on the results, our reproductive medicine  specialist will help you determine the cause of the problem.

The main causes of male infertility are:

  • Blockages in ejaculatory ducts
  • Sperm issues (suck as low sperm count)
  • Functional  problems (suck as impotence)
  • Hormonal  problems

Tests for men and their partners are performed to determine the  cause of infertility. The following tests may be performed to diagnose male  infertility::

  • Physical examination - including taking the medical history
  • Semen analysis – a sample of the man's sperm is examined in a  laboratory and checked for abnormalities and the presence of antibodies
  • Testicular biopsy - a thin needle and microscope are used to  check the network of tubes in the testicles to see if they contain any sperm
  • Ultrasound – for imaging of the reproductive organs such as the  prostate
  • Prevention of male infertility

No treatment can improve the quality of sperm. However, there  are various methods that can increase the likelihood of conception with the  current sperm quality. In most cases, couples with male factor infertility  can be helped by assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

Reproductive methods available to infertile men include:

  • Surgery
  • Hormone therapy
  • Artificial insemination
  • In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

A small step for a man.
A big step for humanity.

It's a biological fact that as men and women age, their ability  to conceive declines, although the exact time when this starts to happen can  vary from person to person.

Whether you want to have a child now or sometime in the future,  it's never too early or too late to find out what you can do.

Deciding to make some lifestyle changes now will help increase  your chances of having a healthy baby in the future, and it's a great way of  investing in your health and the health of your future offspring.

It's not about having a perfect body, a healthy body is what's  important, because healthier parents have healthier children.

A healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise are two of the  best things you can do to improve your overall health and fertility. Both of  these habits contribute to a healthy weight, which increases your chances of  getting pregnant and having a healthy baby.

The good news is that if you or your partner are overweight or  obese, losing even a few pounds can improve your chances of conceiving.

  • The level of hormones that affect the menstrual cycle and egg  quality can change in both overweight and underweight women, and in men these  hormones can reduce sperm quality and cause erectile dysfunction.
  • Being overweight can also lower libido (sexual desire) in both  men and women.
  • A  healthy weight increases the chance of a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.  If you're overweight, losing even a few pounds can improve your chances of  getting pregnant.

Smoking  affects all stages of the reproductive process in both sexes.

It takes smokers longer to get pregnant than non-smokers.  Secondhand smoke is almost as harmful as smoking, and women exposed to  secondhand smoke take longer to get pregnant.

Chemical substances contained  in cigarettes can damage eggs and sperm, which affects the health of the  future child.

A healthy baby begins with healthy sperm and eggs. Whether it is  the woman or man who is a smoker (or both), quitting smoking will increase  your chances of conceiving and having a healthy baby.


When women stop smoking:

  • Quitting smoking can improve natural fertility, and some of the  effects of smoking can be reversed within a year of quitting.
  • Women who stop smoking before conception or during the first  three months of pregnancy reduce their risk of preterm birth to the same  level of risk as non-smokers.

When men stop smoking:

  • It doesn't matter how long the man was smoking for. As soon as  he quits, his sperm will become healthier.
  • It takes sperm about three months to mature. Men who quit  smoking at least three months before conception will have much healthier  sperm with a better chance of fertilising an egg and creating a healthy baby.

No alcohol - this is the safest choice if you decide to get  pregnant and have a healthy baby.

Drinking alcohol can lower a person's fertility regardless of their gender. Even light drinking can lower your chance of getting pregnant.

Heavy drinking also reduces the chance of having a healthy child.

The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way forever; if  you keep your alcohol consumption within safe limits, you will increase your  chances of having a healthy baby.

  • In men, heavy alcohol consumption can cause impotence, reduce  their sex drive (libido) and sexual performance, and affect the quality of  their sperm.
  • Although we don't know exactly how alcohol affects fertility in  women, research shows that even light drinking can increase the time it takes  to get pregnant and reduce the chance of a healthy baby.
  • Women who drink large amounts of alcohol (seven or more drinks  per week, or more than three drinks on one occasion) are more likely to have  heavy or irregular periods and fertility problems.
  • Alcohol can also affect ovulation, which may make it harder to  become pregnant.

Recreational drug users often claim that moderate use has no  side effects - that is until you try to get pregnant.

Recreational drugs lower your chance of getting pregnant and  having a healthy baby. Long-term use of cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis can  lead to permanent reproductive problems in both sexes.

If you're about to become a parent, keep in mind that it usually  takes a  longer time, several months to  two years, for your body to get back to normal after you stop using  recreational drugs. 

  • Cannabis use can lower sperm count in men.
  • Long-term use of recreational drugs can cause permanent problems  with the reproductive system and infertility.
  • All drugs enter the bloodstream. Some directly affect sperm and  eggs and reduce fertility. Some pass through the mother's placenta directly  into the baby's bloodstream, which can damage the baby's health.
  • Heavy use of cannabis in women can cause hormonal changes that  affect ovulation and lower the chance of pregnancy.
  • Taking anabolic steroids in bodybuilding or competitive sports  causes the testicles to shrink and stops sperm production.
  • There is evidence that cannabis can lower a man's sperm count,  reduce sperm volume and reduce the motility (ability to 'swim') of sperm. All  this lowers the chance of the sperm fertilising the egg.

Chemicals cannot be completely avoided, but it's important to  reduce your exposure.

In our modern day-to-day lives, we come into contact with many  different chemicals through the products we use, the food we eat and the air  we breathe.

Some chemicals can affect reproductive health and lower your  chance of getting pregnant.

The good news for people who want to have children is that there  are some simple steps you can take to reduce your exposure to chemicals.


Endocrine-disrupting chemicals can cause fertility problems  because they can disrupt the body's normal reproductive functions and result  in:

  • Changes in hormone levels
  • Lower sperm and egg quality
  • Damaged DNA (genetic material) in sperm
  • Longer menstrual cycles, which makes it take longer for you to  conceive
  • Higher risk of miscarriage

Do you want to be fit for parenthood?

Woman planning future parenthood
Couple enjoying life after egg freezing
Man celebrating future parenthood
Couple sightseeing in Prague
How to choose the right clinic for treatment

Respect for your dream of having a family

The next step for those unsuccessful in their attempts to have a  child may be consulting a fertility specialist and choosing the appropriate  treatment. This means you have to make an important decision – choosing the  right clinic.

There are many fertility clinics, and finding the right one  requires thorough research and consideration. To make this decision easier  for you, here are some key factors you should focus on.

Míra úspěšnosti
Zkušenosti personálu
Nabízené vybavení a použitá technologie
Doba trvání procedur a doprovodné služby
Transparentnost nákladů a postupů

Content 1


Success rate
Success rate

This is one of the most important things that couples should  consider in clinics that offer comprehensive treatments such as in vitro  fertilisation (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and intrauterine  insemination (IUI). Most fertility clinics list their success rates on their  websites. However, it is important that you discuss their success rate with  them in person and not take this number at face value. Each procedure has a  different success rate and it varies by patient age group.

At Europe IVF, we can proudly say that our success rate is among  the highest, which is confirmed by both our statistics and satisfied families  all over the world. This is due to our highly experienced team of doctors,  embryologists and the use of cutting-edge technology, such as the continuous  monitoring of embryos in EmbryoScope, which significantly increases the  chance of a successful pregnancy, as well as advanced sperm selection methods  ensuring the selection of the healthiest sperm for a higher success rate of  IVF cycles. A combination of these methods allows us to ensure the best  possible chances of a successful pregnancy.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


Staff experience
Staff experience

A good fertility clinic will have a team of highly experienced  professionals specialising in fertility treatment. Most treatments are  expensive, so you will naturally want to be treated at a clinic that has the  best panel of specialists working closely together. But it's not all about  the doctors; the staff in the laboratory and the approach of coordinators and  nurses are also very important. Visiting our clinic and interacting with some  of the staff can help you get a sense of the atmosphere.

The doctors at Europe IVF consist of experts with extensive  experience in the fields of gynaecology and reproductive medicine, and  specialists in individual diagnosis and individualised treatment plans. All  our doctors have gained experience abroad and publish academic papers  regularly. The key members of our team are certified embryologists, whose  erudition significantly contributes to the success rate of our clinic.

Equipment and technology offered
Equipment and technology offered

Technological  innovations in medical science have significantly increased the chances of  conception. The clinic should preferably offer all the latest fertility  treatments to provide maximum comfort for the couple undergoing treatment.  The laboratory equipment and standardised internal procedures are at the  heart of every clinic.

In our  attempts to constantly improve, we introduce technological innovations and  offer the latest fertility treatment methods in modern facilities with the  latest technology. Our laboratories are the heart of the clinic and are  subject to regular audits by an external state authority (SÚKL) as well as  internal quality controls. All internal procedures of Europe IVF are subject  to regular audit by an external state authority (SÚKL). All processes and  procedures are regularly checked by internal quality management procedures.

Comprehensive service
Comprehensive service

In addition to a team of experienced IVF experts, a good clinic will also have specialists from other fields. A team of specialists can determine the possible cause of infertility and, most importantly, provide specialised diagnostics and other services of highly qualified care.

Europe IVF has a team of specialists in immunology, genetics and  andrology - male infertility. Thanks to them, we can offer a comprehensive  approach to dealing with all aspects of infertility, giving our clients 360o  services under one roof.


Visiting  a doctor for any fertility treatment is generally considered to be a very  sensitive topic. Couples often suffer from insecurity before and during  treatment. It is therefore extremely important for a fertility clinic to  offer psychological counselling for clients at every stage of the treatment  and to take into account their concerns and inhibitions.

We  understand that every couple experiences mixed emotions of fear, anger, guilt  and anxiety during treatment. Psychological support in making decisions about  the future and counselling when partners are unsure of their decisions is  very important, which is why we cooperate with certified psychotherapists and  coaches in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe.

Duration  of procedures and accompanying services
Duration  of procedures and accompanying services

Some treatments and procedures may take a long time to complete.  This needs to be taken into account, as you or your partner may be away from  home for a while. If the fertility clinic is far away from where you live,  such as in another country, you will need to arrange accommodation for the  duration of your treatment. You therefore need to take into account the  location of the clinic when making your decision.

80% of the clientele of Europe IVF is from abroad. This is why  we always try to optimise the treatment time, and if it is necessary for you  to stay in place in your treatment programme, we use our network of partner  hotels, including accompanying services (massages, acupuncture) and  programmes (guide services or cultural events ) according to the financial  preferences of our clients.

Transparency of costs and procedures
Transparency of costs and procedures

A well-run clinic always follows professional ethics and  transparency in terms of medical and financial procedures. Make sure the  clinic gives you clear information about the costs associated with the  complete treatment. You should also check whether counselling is included in  the price, both before and after treatment. The price discussed with you at  the beginning should be the final amount you pay at the end. This will help  you plan your finances and make necessary arrangements for funds if  necessary. The procedures should also be clearly explained to you so that you  can prepare for it. The clinic must inform you of the risks associated with  the procedure, if there are any. Confidentiality is another aspect that  patients look for when deciding for fertility treatment. Whether you're a  donor or a patient, ask the clinic if they keep all their procedures  discrete.

All Europe IVF departments are governed by the Code of Ethics;  our price list includes all types of tests and treatment packages in a  completely transparent manner. All processes and procedures are regularly  checked by internal quality management procedures.

Success rate
Success rate

This is one of the most important things that couples should  consider in clinics that offer comprehensive treatments such as in vitro  fertilisation (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and intrauterine  insemination (IUI). Most fertility clinics list their success rates on their  websites. However, it is important that you discuss their success rate with  them in person and not take this number at face value. Each procedure has a  different success rate and it varies by patient age group.

At Europe IVF, we can proudly say that our success rate is among  the highest, which is confirmed by both our statistics and satisfied families  all over the world. This is due to our highly experienced team of doctors,  embryologists and the use of cutting-edge technology, such as the continuous  monitoring of embryos in EmbryoScope, which significantly increases the  chance of a successful pregnancy, as well as advanced sperm selection methods  ensuring the selection of the healthiest sperm for a higher success rate of  IVF cycles. A combination of these methods allows us to ensure the best  possible chances of a successful pregnancy.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


Staff experience
Staff experience

A good fertility clinic will have a team of highly experienced  professionals specialising in fertility treatment. Most treatments are  expensive, so you will naturally want to be treated at a clinic that has the  best panel of specialists working closely together. But it's not all about  the doctors; the staff in the laboratory and the approach of coordinators and  nurses are also very important. Visiting our clinic and interacting with some  of the staff can help you get a sense of the atmosphere.

The doctors at Europe IVF consist of experts with extensive  experience in the fields of gynaecology and reproductive medicine, and  specialists in individual diagnosis and individualised treatment plans. All  our doctors have gained experience abroad and publish academic papers  regularly. The key members of our team are certified embryologists, whose  erudition significantly contributes to the success rate of our clinic.

Equipment and technology offered
Equipment and technology offered

Technological  innovations in medical science have significantly increased the chances of  conception. The clinic should preferably offer all the latest fertility  treatments to provide maximum comfort for the couple undergoing treatment.  The laboratory equipment and standardised internal procedures are at the  heart of every clinic.

In our  attempts to constantly improve, we introduce technological innovations and  offer the latest fertility treatment methods in modern facilities with the  latest technology. Our laboratories are the heart of the clinic and are  subject to regular audits by an external state authority (SÚKL) as well as  internal quality controls. All internal procedures of Europe IVF are subject  to regular audit by an external state authority (SÚKL). All processes and  procedures are regularly checked by internal quality management procedures.

Comprehensive service
Comprehensive service

In addition to a team of experienced IVF experts, a good clinic will also have specialists from other fields. A team of specialists can determine the possible cause of infertility and, most importantly, provide specialised diagnostics and other services of highly qualified care.

Europe IVF has a team of specialists in immunology, genetics and  andrology - male infertility. Thanks to them, we can offer a comprehensive  approach to dealing with all aspects of infertility, giving our clients 360o  services under one roof.


Visiting  a doctor for any fertility treatment is generally considered to be a very  sensitive topic. Couples often suffer from insecurity before and during  treatment. It is therefore extremely important for a fertility clinic to  offer psychological counselling for clients at every stage of the treatment  and to take into account their concerns and inhibitions.

We  understand that every couple experiences mixed emotions of fear, anger, guilt  and anxiety during treatment. Psychological support in making decisions about  the future and counselling when partners are unsure of their decisions is  very important, which is why we cooperate with certified psychotherapists and  coaches in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe.

Duration  of procedures and accompanying services
Duration  of procedures and accompanying services

Some treatments and procedures may take a long time to complete.  This needs to be taken into account, as you or your partner may be away from  home for a while. If the fertility clinic is far away from where you live,  such as in another country, you will need to arrange accommodation for the  duration of your treatment. You therefore need to take into account the  location of the clinic when making your decision.

80% of the clientele of Europe IVF is from abroad. This is why  we always try to optimise the treatment time, and if it is necessary for you  to stay in place in your treatment programme, we use our network of partner  hotels, including accompanying services (massages, acupuncture) and  programmes (guide services or cultural events ) according to the financial  preferences of our clients.

Transparency of costs and procedures
Transparency of costs and procedures

A well-run clinic always follows professional ethics and  transparency in terms of medical and financial procedures. Make sure the  clinic gives you clear information about the costs associated with the  complete treatment. You should also check whether counselling is included in  the price, both before and after treatment. The price discussed with you at  the beginning should be the final amount you pay at the end. This will help  you plan your finances and make necessary arrangements for funds if  necessary. The procedures should also be clearly explained to you so that you  can prepare for it. The clinic must inform you of the risks associated with  the procedure, if there are any. Confidentiality is another aspect that  patients look for when deciding for fertility treatment. Whether you're a  donor or a patient, ask the clinic if they keep all their procedures  discrete.

All Europe IVF departments are governed by the Code of Ethics;  our price list includes all types of tests and treatment packages in a  completely transparent manner. All processes and procedures are regularly  checked by internal quality management procedures.

True stories

S. P.

We highly recommend the clinic! Beautiful, kind, professional people who told us step by step everything we were going to do, from treatments to risks. I did an embryo transfer on February 6th, and on the 15th I ran out of patience and took a test: positive! I didn't believe it, I did 3 more: positive! In 16 february, I did Beta HCG and it came out positive, pregnancy: weeks 4-5! We hope that everything will continue well from here on, but we recommend the EUROPE IVF Clinic! Thank you from the bottom of our heart to Dr. Tomilova Marina and of course to Alexandra Luchian who was always there for any question we had! You deserve 10 stars!

A. B.

We had a great experience with Europe IVF. The team is very professional, Marija was amazing to keep in touch with us and always happy to help / advice. Doctors were very friendly and knowledgeable, The biologyst was on point advising us an early 2 days transfer with our only one embryo . It resulted in our little miracle we waited soo long. Forever greatful for the team at Europe IVF💙

Katerina & Kiril

Europe Ivf team THE BEST OF THE BEST!! Thank you for the great experience and making the whole process smooth and easy for us!! I recommend to everyone who struggles to conceive to contact Europe Ivf, the whole team IS GREAT!! Especially i want to thank to our coordinator Alexandra for being there for us and helping us to get through the process and answering all our questions in timely manner!! Big thank you to Dr Tomilova for the professionalism and knowledge.