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Reproductive Immunology: A New Hope for Couples Struggling with Infertility

25.9.2024 · 2 min čtení
Reproductive Immunology: A New Hope for Couples Struggling with Infertility thumbnail

Struggling to conceive can stem from various causes, and if you suffer from chronic gynecological inflammation or conditions like celiac disease, a relatively new field—reproductive immunology—might offer a solution. This specialized area can uncover links between the immune system and fertility, providing hope and solutions for couples who have been unable to conceive for an extended period without any apparent cause.

Reproductive immunology is a branch of clinical immunology that focuses on the relationship between the immune system, fertility, conception, and pregnancy. In simpler terms, it examines how the body’s immune responses impact fertility, pregnancy, and fetal development. „Infertility can be caused by a variety of factors, and one of them may be immune system dysfunction,“ explains Dr. Karin Černá, a clinical immunology and allergology specialist at the Europe IVF clinic. „For instance, the immune system might mistakenly identify sperm or markers of the embryo or placenta as foreign objects and attack them, which can lead to problems with conception or maintaining a pregnancy,“ she adds.

MUDr. Karin Černá

When to Visit a Reproductive Immunologist?

Issues related to immunological factors of infertility are not always obvious. „Immunologically related fertility disorders can occur even in physically healthy women. We should pay special attention to women with recurrent early miscarriages or a history of advanced pregnancy complications, patients with multiple unsuccessful in vitro fertilization (IVF) attempts, or those experiencing long-term infertility without an apparent cause,“ says Dr. Černá. Other potential warning signs include chronic and recurrent gynecological inflammations. You should also consider visiting a reproductive immunologist if you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, lupus, or if you have had cancer. „The doctor can perform a series of antibody and cellular immunity tests from blood samples as well as from the uterine lining,“ Dr. Černá explains. These tests can reveal specific immunological reactions that could otherwise be an obstacle to achieving and maintaining a pregnancy.

In the Hands of Experts: Treatment and Support for Successful Conception

Fortunately, reproductive immune issues can be successfully treated today. „Treatment may include medications that reduce excessive immune system activity or immunomodulatory therapy, which aims to change or stabilize immune responses,“ says Dr. Černá. You can also support your chances of a successful pregnancy by adopting a healthy lifestyle—balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and stress reduction positively impact the immune system. Among readily available and highly effective immunomodulators is vitamin D3, a deficiency of which is common among European women, especially during the winter months. „It is definitely not advisable to start immunological treatment blindly, without examination. Therefore, it is appropriate to consult any suspected immunological cause of infertility with a relevant specialist,“ Dr. Černá adds.

The journey to your desired baby can often be challenging and lengthy, but fortunately, you can rely on the ever-evolving and comprehensive field of reproductive immunology. For couples struggling with infertility, it can provide valuable answers and essential assistance on their path. If you suspect an immunological cause of fertility issues, take the right step, don’t hesitate to seek a specialist’s help, and explore all available treatment options.

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